State of Decay Wiki
Outpost-has survivors-2

Characters stationed at an outpost

Outposts are structures that improve home site security and provide a relatively safe spot for characters to evade zombie hordes and resupply.

Each home site has a maximum number of 2-8 slots for outposts. Generally, the bigger the base, the more outposts it can support.


All game modes[]

Resource Cache[]

A single Outpost reduces the player's daily consumption for that particular resource by 3, but increases daily consumption of Construction Materials by 1.

1. No outpost of resource cache
  • Original daily consumption: −15 Food/day, −5 Material/day
2. Player creates 1 Food outpost
  • Daily consumption becomes: −12 Food/day, −6 Material/day
3. Player creates 2 more Food outposts
  • Daily consumption becomes: −6 Food/day, −8 Material/day
4. Player creates 1 Material outpost
  • Daily consumption becomes: −6 Food/day, −6 Material/day
    • (As 1 Material is consumed to make 3 Materials, leaving the gain only 2)

Supply Locker[]

  • A place to resupply without traveling all the way home.

Safe Haven[]

  • 15 % chance of missing allies coming home safely on their own. (It is unclear how the bonus stacks for multiple outposts).


Lifeline adds a few structures left behind by the US Military as well as the Red Talon PMC. Setting up outposts in these locations unlocks additional radio calls.

  • Drone Trailer: Possessing one unlocks radio call Drone Recon. Possessing two unlocks Drone Strike.
  • Satellite Uplink: Possessing one unlocks PMC Snipers. Possessing two unlocks PMC Reinforcements.
  • Artillery Site: Possessing one unlocks Incendiary Barrage. Possessing two unlocks Artillery Barrage.

Using Outposts[]

Creating outposts[]

  • To create an outpost, the player must fully search a building and clear it of zombies. Afterwards, select the Establish Outpost option from the Radio menu (which costs 50 influence). After a few moments, a Supply Locker will appear in the building. This locker is used to store weapons and items similar to the base, but does not allow depositing resources (that can only be done at home site).
  • In most cases, if the location is outdoor or too small, it cannot be turned into an outpost. Some of the exceptions are the Drone Trailers, Satellite Uplinks and Artillery Sites in Lifeline.

Safe Zone[]

  • An outpost has a radius around it where zombies never spawn in known as a "Safe Zone"; it is also automatically armed with fire traps. If a horde (not single zombies) gets inside the Safe Zone, the traps will activate and destroy the horde, after which.the traps take 1 minute to re-arm.

Resource Cache[]

  • If an outpost is established at a location where some resources remain (i.e the location is represented by an Ammo/ Food/ Fuel/ Material/ Medicine icon), that outpost will automatically produce a small amount of that resource per (real-time) day, reducing the daily consumption (known as the Resource Cache Bonus). It will continually give you resource benefits as long as the outpost is up.
  • Outposts can only produce one type of resource, even if more than one type is found at a location. The resource produced will be the first type available alphabetically (i.e. Ammo> Food> Fuel> Material> Medicine). If a specific type of resource is preferred, remove the other resources first before establishing the outpost.
  • During the second day of the simulation, the "Bonus Report" event occurs: as long as there's enough construction supplies to support the daily usage, players will get an additional +3 resources from every outpost that still has a resource in it. So a player who has 4 construction outposts, 2 ammo outposts and 2 food outpost, all with one resource still in them, will receive +12 construction materials, +6 ammo and +6 food added directly to their supply with the Bonus Report.
  • After the outpost is established the resources can be looted without affecting the outpost type (e.g. a medicine outpost will remain as so after all the medicine is looted). However, you will not receive benefits from the Bonus Report if you remove the last resource. Note - The outpost will provide +3 resource units, regardless of the number of resources within the outpost.
  • If an empty building is selected as an outpost (or its resource depleted), the outpost icon becomes a Fort icon (similar to Enclave icon, but has the color green). In builds prior to title update 5, an empty outpost produced 3 ammo per day. As of title update 5, this was considered a bug and "fixed" so outposts with no resources produce nothing. They are only good for protecting a base from hordes and to prevent spawning at that location.

Abandoning outposts[]

  • It is possible to know exactly which outpost to abandon. Outpost number is displayed on the map when the player hovers the cursor over them (from Outpost #1 to Outpost #8). This number corresponds to the order of that outpost in the Home Site's outpost slot in the Base Management Screen. For example, if player wants to abandon an outpost near Church of the Ascension, open the map and hover the mouse over that outpost. Say that outpost is Outpost #4. Open Base Management Screen and select the 4th outpost from the left, then select the Abandon Outpost option.

Available Actions[]

  • Set traps for passing hordes — Cost: 1 Fuel, 1 Influence
Increases safe zone size of all outposts. Effect lasts 2 real time hours.
  • Abandon Outpost — Surrender this location to the zeds. (Takes one minute)


All game modes[]

  • Using outposts to cover the paths leading to home site greatly reduces danger of Hordes attacking.
  • Good locations for outposts include: at the middle of multiple buildings (to prevent hordes from infesting them), at the middle of an un-scavenged zone (to easily deposit found items), at buildings that cover multiple roads.
  • Spreading outposts apart and setting their traps can allow an entire area to be free of zombies. However, using too many outposts in this fashion will leave most other parts of the map vulnerable to hordes infestation, which will affect morale and hinder missions.


  • Upgrading the Radio Post to Sat-Comms allows for 2 additional outposts.
  • Setting up outposts at Drone Trailers, Satellite Uplinks, and Artillery Sites can unlock additional radio calls. In terms of story, it can be assumed that each outpost has characters operating the equipment to facilitate these functions, although in actual gameplay, the outposts are completely autonomous.


  • When the player establishes outposts at smaller structures, the Supply Locker might spawn outside or fail to spawn altogether.
  • Survivors in the player's community will sometimes leave the homesite and station themselves at outposts (especially if the outpost is far from the player's base). When the player uses a Call For Scavengers radio command from a resource location near the outpost, one survivor from this outpost will come to the location, instead of one from the homesite.