- .22 Caliber
- .357 Caliber
- .40 Caliber
- .44 Caliber
- .45 Caliber
- .45 Justice
- .50 Caliber
- .Pak Extracting
- 10/22
- 1300 Defender
- 1300 Hunter
- 1300 Hunter SP
- 1887 T-800
- 1897
- 1911
- 1911A1 Officer
- 1911 Long Slide
- 2x4
- 2x4 Bracket
- 2x4 Nails
- 416D
- 416 CQB
- 464 Brushgun
- 464 Custom 22
- 5.56mm
- 552 CS
- 552 Commando
- 556S
- 556S SWAT
- 590 SP
- 597 Varmint
- 7.62mm
- 700 Huntsman
- 700 Huntsman Camo
- 750 Forester
- 84 Wildcat
- 870 Aggressor AD
- 870 Combat
- 93 Raffica
- 983 Squirrel
- 9 mm
- A-Series Mod. 1
- A12
- A12 Custom
- AK47
- AK47 Custom
- AK 74
- AR-15
- AR 15 Custom
- AUG A3
- A Mysterious Request (Heartland quest)
- Aaron Felder
- Abandoned site
- Acetaminophen
- Achievements
- Aidan Murray
- Airtight Containers
- Alan Gunderson
- Alice Miller
- Alicia Hawkes
- Amelia Crasman
- Ammo Press (Heavy)
- Ammunition
- Ammunition (Resource)
- Amphetamines
- Andy Pimms
- Angela Farrell
- Anson Hearst
- Anvil
- Anvil Hammer
- Apocalypse Sword
- Arctic Warrior
- Ariel Long
- Armory
- Army Zombie
- Artillery Marker
- Arts and Crafts
- Aspirin
- Assault Rifles
- Assault Weapon Specialization
- Attitudes
- Auto Dealership
- Auto Shop (State of Decay 2)
- Automag
- Automation
- Avatar awards
- Awards
- Awful Fashion Sense
- Axe
- B.W. Wilson
- B50FG
- BBQ Fork
- Backpacks
- Barracks
- Barricade
- Barricaded Strip Mall
- Barricated Strip Mall
- Barry Wilson
- Bat
- Baton
- Becca Collins
- Becky Silverstone
- Beer Pong
- Ben Greene
- Benjamin Winston
- Bethany Olmstead
- Bike Generator
- Bioengineering Professor
- Black Fever
- Black Friday
- Blackbird
- Blaine's Grocery
- Bloater
- Blood Plague
- Blue SUV
- Blunt Weapon Specialization
- Blunt Weapons
- Bob Macklin
- Bolt Scout
- Box Mine
- Brash Confidence
- Breakdown
- Breakdown: Find the RV
- Breakdown: Leave the Valley
- Breakdown: Repair the RV
- Bridge Fort
- Brigadier General Henry Connors
- Bright-Eyed Recruit
- Broadsword
- Broadway Midtown
- Brock Jensen
- Bronto Gas Station
- Bronto Wash
- Brush Axe
- Bugs
- Bz75 ST
- Bz 75
- Bz 75 Automatic
- CLEO Relay Tower (Daybreak)
- CLEO Revo C
- CLEO Trench Tool
- Cabin Park Motel
- Call For Backup
- Call For Scavengers
- Calliope Morris
- Camp Kelenqua
- Camp Osprey
- Camp Sites
- Candlestick
- Cane
- Captain Adam Logan
- Captain Montressor
- Car Chopper
- Cardio
- Cardio (State of Decay 2)
- Carlos Hernadez
- Caroline Smythe
- Carried Everyone's Stuff
- Carrier 1911
- Cascade Hills
- Cat Lover
- Cavalry Saber
- Chain Smoker
- Character Death
- Charlene Norville
- Charley Marshall
- Chemical Incendiary
- Chemistry
- Chopper
- Church of Condescension
- Church of the Ascension
- Church on the Hill
- Civilian Vector Carbine
- Clarington House
- Class 4
- Classic AK-47
- Classic Sedan
- Close Combat
- Close Combat Weapons
- Coach Seel's Man Cave
- Coachgun
- Codeine
- Coffee
- Colonel Peel
- Combat Knife
- Combat Training
- Comfy Chair
- Commemorative Hockey Stick
- Community
- Community Poll Results
- Competitive Gymnast
- Computer Skills
- Condor
- Construction
- Construction Advice
- Construction Materials
- Consumables
- Container Fort
- Cooking
- Cooking Area
- Corner Office
- Counseling
- Counter Attack
- Country Church
- County Court House
- Courtroom Gavel
- Cracked Pipe
- Crafting
- Crashed Plane
- Cricket Bat
- Critical Response Weapons Pack
- Cronenberg Elementary School
- Crossbows
- Crowbar
- Crowdsourcing
- Crusty Shovel
- Crutch
- Curveball
- Curveball: High Toxicity Bloaters
- Curveball: Juiced Up
- Curveball: Missing a Few Bolts
- Curveball: News Travels
- Curveball: Strange Mutations
- Curveball: The Black Heart
- Curveball: The Lost Platoon
- Curveball: Under the Weather
- Cut/Unused Weapons
- Cutting Machine Blade
- D 1911
- Daily Inspiration
- Dan Hovenden
- Danforth
- Danforth Police Department (Organization)
- Danforth Police Station
- Danger Zones
- Danny Bilkins
- Dantron's Cage
- Darryl White
- Day-night cycle
- Death From Above
- Defeat the Gauntlet (Heartland questline)
- Defensive Skill
- Devon Wall
- Diana Mullen
- Diary Pages
- Dining Area
- Diplomat
- Dirty Bird Espresso
- Doc Hanson
- Doesn't Get Along
- Dog Leg
- Doorless Cells
- Doubleshort
- Downtown Used Cars
- Dr. Nancy Paxton
- Dreamed of Retirement
- Driving
- Driving (skill)
- Drucker County
- ECHO Labs
- Easter Eggs
- Echo-C1 Stiletto
- Echo-C2 Tanto
- Echo-C3 Karambit
- Echo-S7 Assault Rifle
- Ed Jones
- Edgar Reynolds
- Edged Weapon Specialization
- Edged Weapons
- Edger
- Eli
- Eli Wilkerson
- Emotes
- Enclaves
- Enclaves (State of Decay 2)
- Energy Drink
- Enter the Gauntlet
- Escrima Stick
- Establish Outpost
- Etiquette
- Evan Woodrow
- Experimented with AI
- Explosives
- F45
- F45 Tactical
- Facilities
- Facilities (State of Decay 2)
- Facility Mod
- Fairfield
- Fairfield Shopping Plaza
- Falchion
- Fame
- Fancy Machete
- Farm (Base Facility)
- Feral
- Field Hospital
- Field Medic
- Field Workshop
- Fifty-Seven
- Fighting
- Fighting (State of Decay 2)
- Fiona Davis
- Firearms
- Firearms (Breakdown)
- Firearms (Lifeline)
- Firebomb
- Firecracker
- Firewatch Fortress
- Firewatch Tower
- First Aid Kit
- Fish Stunner
- Fishing
- Fishing (skill)
- Fitness Guru
- Flame Fougasse
- Flares
- Food
- Forge
- Fork in the Road Diner
- Former Drill Instructor
- Frag Grenade
- Frank Fitzgerald
- Frank Johnson
- Frying Pan
- Fuel
- Fuel Additives
- G17
- G21
- G22
- G26
- G3
- G36
- G36C
- G45 Burst
- GL 06 Riot
- GL M32
- G 17C
- G 18 (Compensated)
- G 19